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Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: From Legalism to Life
Date: July 5, 2020

Synopsis: Pastor Nick kicks off our new series “Ceasefire” by taking us to John 2 and working through Jesus’s first miraculous sign: turning water into wine. What might Jesus be telling us about the powers and systems that are present in our world? Is it possible that Jesus is reminding us that what he has to offer is far bigger than any system could ever contain?

Speaker: Thomas Hallman (Pastoral Intern)
Title: Theology of Neighboring
Date: July 12, 2020

Synopsis: Pastoral Intern Thomas Hallman takes us through our second week in “Ceasefire” by walking through the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Thomas recognizes some of the more common messages associated with this passage and then challenges us with the premise that “we are never not a neighbor.”

Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: Torah: Law to Love
Date: July 19, 2020

Synopsis: This morning we're continuing our series "Ceasefire" with a sermon called 'Torah: Law to Love.' Have you ever wondered what happened to all those laws in the Old Testament? Or have you ever wondered why Jesus seemed intent on provoking the religious leaders of the day by doing things that flew in the face of religious law? Today is the day we look into these questions and learn how it impacts our call to be the Ceasefire.

Speaker: Thomas Hallman
Title: Ceasefire: Discipleship
Date: July 26, 2020

Synopsis: Pastoral Intern Thomas Hallman brings the word to us this week and engages us in a provocative idea: how many of you are ok...actually ok...with being a student. The Disciples seem to struggle with being true students in our scripture passage this morning - what can we learn from them about being a true student and how does that apply to our call to Ceasefire?

Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: Tradition: Holy Snowballs
Date: August 2, 2020

Synopsis: Week 5 of our series - Ceasefire. Today we’re discussing traditions (good or bad?). We’ll also talk about birthday cake for Jesus, Pastor Nick’s judgmental driving, Holy Cats and the eleventh commandment: thou shalt not sit in brown chairs with black legs. Don’t miss out on heartfelt worship, todays scripture (John 7:1-13), and the true meaning of Gods people gathered: embodying Gods Kingdom on earth.

Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: Tribalism: Exclusive to Inclusive
Date: August 9, 2020

Synopsis: Join us for genuine and heartfelt worship, prayer and week 6 in our Ceasefire series: Tribalism. We’re going to talk about Bob Marley, Greek city-states, the conversation before the Good Samaritan, Gentiles and being people who consistently choose to risk to love. Today’s message is centered in the conversation leading up to the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10.

Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: From Enemy to Family
Date: August 16, 2020

Synopsis: Week 7 in our Ceasefire series! We’re leading into a time of communion, as brothers and sisters, by engaging the idea that we’re called to go from Enemy to Friend with a risky love exemplified by Jesus on the cross. It’s so easy to think that that kind of love is only present in God and Disney Movies but we’ll hear a couple of stories that show this very thing taking place in the worst of circumstances. We’ll be spending time in Acts 9 and Matthew 5 today!

Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Temple: Sacred Space
August 23, 2020

Synopsis: We’re going to be in John 2 with Jesus cleansing the temple, Mark 9 with the transfiguration and even in 2 Peter being built into spiritual houses. Oh, and we’ll talk about how the prophet Jeremiah was talking about The Godfather. Yea...that Godfather...

See, Jesus does something incredible - like taking us from an age of handwriting and the printing press to laptops. He takes our perspective of temple and shifts it from a building to Himself. The connection and sacred space now lies between us and Him ... rather than a special building, in a special city, in a special land.

God is with us. We are with Him.

Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: Territory: Your Kingdom Come
Date: August 30, 2020

Synopsis: “Are you living now, the way you want to live forever?” This is the resounding question that leads us into our final Ceasefire Series sermon entitles “Territory.” It’s all led to this week - The Good Samaritan, risky love, Saul, inclusion, Ananias, Torah, The Rich Young Ruler and Jesus ... don’t miss out on the conclusion of our series this morning beginning with fantastic worship and incredible fellowship.