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Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: Day & Night
Date: September 6, 2020

Synopsis: Today, we begin a new series called “Follow.” It’s loosely based on the book Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman which we would recommend picking up and reading. We’re going to be digging deep and asking the question: Are we truly Followers of Christ? Or have we been acting more like Fans? The story of Nicodemus from the Gospel of John will provide a great case study.

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Speaker: Scott Boyer
Title: Drop Everything
Date: September 13, 2020

Synopsis: Scott Boyer brings us the second installment in our “Follow” series. Scott speaks out of Matthew 4 & 9 and the calling of the disciples by Jesus. Have you noticed that the response of so many people is complete transformation as they make the choice to drop everything and follow Him? In Matthew, Jesus is looking for disciples and today this remains true - Jesus is looking for you!

Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: To Know
Date: September 20, 2020

Synopsis: Today we continue in our series "Follow" with a sermon grounded in Luke 7 called "Know." We're going to talk about intimacy, the birds and the bees, do a little Mad-Lib, talk about Pastor Nick's friend Lauren Daigle and read about a Pharisee named Simon. Join us as we engage transactional relationships, prosperity gospel and the idea that one of the greatest separations between Followers and Fans is intimacy.

Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: Love Me More
Date: September 27, 2020

Synopsis: In Luke 14 Jesus says some really difficult things to those who are following him: hate your family, count the cost before you follow and when those who were invited to a wedding feast don't show up - He invites the uninvited! Whoa! What do we make of that? This morning we'll lean into the hard truth of Jesus words and what that means for our lives.

Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: Woe
Date: October 5, 2020

Synopsis: Week 5 of our “Follow” series. Today we’re going to intentionally place ourselves in the shoes of the religious elite that Jesus is talking to in Matthew 23. His words to them are full of “woe” and we need to honestly grapple with whether any of them are meant for us.

Lord, give us the strength we need to be authentic. Holy Spirit, point out to us where we need to change.

Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: With | In
Date: October 11, 2020

Synopsis: We’re in week 6 of our “Follow” series and this week we’re grounded in Acts and John in a discussion about the Holy Spirit. We’re looking at Jesus words “it is better that I go” and asking how can that be? What could be better than God with us?

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Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: Reflection
Date: October 18, 2020

Synopsis: Did you know that the Sermon on the Mount ends with a series of warnings? The final two warnings seem to imply that there is a connection between following Jesus and obedience. That following Him is more than just words. Join us as we work through these warnings and they take us into James 2 where we settle the debate - faith or deeds?

Speaker: Nick Ressler
Title: Follower
Date: October 24, 2020

Synopsis: Good morning! We're glad you could join us for the conclusion of our Follow series. Today we’re talking about Matthew the disciple, power, Genesis 3 and Philippians 2, stories about juice and we’re finishing our time togethe with communion. So have your cup and bread ready at home!